March 1, 1945
The siren went off for about 2 hours today.
February 28, 1945
This morning at 10:00 the siren went off, it was over by midday, then the pre-raid siren went off a few times. At 8:00 at night the siren went off again, and again at 10:00, it was essentially a day full of sirens. But thanks to the attackers, there were no bombs… we just never […]
February 27, 1945
The siren went off again today. People frantically run to the shelters. It was over after 2 hours.
February 25,1945
At around 10:00 tonight, the siren went off. We raced to the shelter. After 15 minutes, bombs were dropped. We weren’t as frightened as we were during the January 7th bombing, but we were still scared. It was done after about 2 hours. The good Lord saved us this time too. People died in other […]
February 24, 1945
The siren went off again. Today, I had just returned from the factory when Domenico Minchella had come to visit, he’s going back to Italy also. I begged him to go to my home, if he manages to make it back soon, and assure my wife that I’m well and that I’ll be home soon […]
February 23, 1945
Siren again.
Saint Blaise February 22, 1945
Some friends told me that Manfrino Verrengia left for Italy. He didn’t even come to see me before leaving, but I’m not surprised since I knew him in Casale also. The siren went off again today also.
February 16, 1945
Today I went to the doctor again in hopes of being repatriated. He gave me another certificate that I will use to be examined for repatriation. I asked my factory boss to issue a permit for me, but no luck. Despite the fact that I’ve explained the situation with my wife and children, he did […]
February 15, 1945
As we were trying to sleep last night, the siren went off. We got dressed quickly and ran to the shelter. After an hour, it was over, we never even heard one shot. At 1:30, while we were deep in sleep, the siren went off again. We ran back to the shelter again. After 3-4 […]
February 12, 1945
I worked till midday then I asked to go to the doctor. I had him give me a certificate declaring I’m ill and with this I hope to take the first steps toward being repatriated, like many others have. Giovanni Augone has already left, I gave him a note for my wife and I hope […]