A blog from World War 2 | Un Blog dalla Seconda Guerra Mondiale


  • March 19, 1944

    San Giuseppe’s feast day. I go to Fasanerie-Nord as we had agreed yesterday. Agostino is already cooking the meat, I arrive and help them cook. While we’re cooking the macaroni, we see Massimo Desantis come in. We say hello and invite him to eat lunch with us. So on San Giuseppe’s feast day, the four […]

  • March 18, 1944

    Saturday, today is the eve of San Giuseppe’s feast day (translator’s note: San Giuseppe’s feast day is Father’s Day in Italy). As usual we left work at midday. Agostino, Ciccillo, and I bought some meat with the Marks we saved up and we go eat at the hotel where I live. While we’re eating, the […]

  • March 13, 1944

    Tonight while I was sleeping, the porter came to warn me about the siren, it’s 21:50. At exactly midnight, the siren went off, we go to the shelter 600 meters from the hotel, there is snow outside. The siren stops at 1:00 and we go home.

  • March 8, 1944

    When I got home from work tonight, the French man was not in the hotel. I eat with Mattiussi, then he goes home to sleep and I sit with the Schumanns a bit. We talk for half an hour then I go to bed, they go to bed very late because they’re afraid of the […]

  • March 7, 1944

    I go to work and he’s still asleep, I come home at night and we do the same thing: we eat and then go to bed.

  • March 6, 1944

    I went to work this morning, after these days of rest, I feel well. Tonight, Mattiussi, the Corsican, and I ate dinner together. We went to bed at around 10:00, Mattiussi lives in a guesthouse nearby, on Kreuzstrasse 34. The French man and I went to sleep in my room.

  • March 5, 1944

    I’m in the same company eating dinner at the hotel. The Corsican sits near us and offers us some chocolate. While we’re talking, some friends of Mr. Schumann come in and sit at our table, so the French man and I have to move to another table. While sitting there, another Italian man comes in, […]

  • March 4, 1944

    We are sitting in the hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Schumann and myself, when a young, distinguished looking man sits near us. He hears us speaking Italian and says he’s a French man from Corsica who understands Italian. He says he’s a cinema actor, he even gives us two photographs- one to me, and one to […]

  • March 3, 1944

    Today, Mr. Schumann’s wife arrived from Konstanz, she is a nice lady. She lives by Lake Constance, far away from the bombing, and every two or three months, she comes to Munich to see her husband who cannot leave his pharmaceutical job. We ate together and talked about Italy.

  • February 28, 1944

    This morning I went to the police to have my forms stamped, they sign and stamp them without saying a word. So I’m able to stay at Hotel Kreuzbräu (this is the hotel’s name). I have a nice room on the fourth floor with two beds, but since I’m alone, one bed is empty.

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