September 26, 1944
Winter has arrived, it rains continuously and it’s cold. In the morning we wake up at 5:30 (it’s 4:30 Daylight Saving Time) and we don’t get out of work till 6:30 when it’s already dark. I am beyond tired of this. If I didn’t love my wife and kids so much, I wouldn’t be able […]
September 23, 1944
It’s been a year today! A year apart from my darling wife and dear children. One year ago today, the Germans tore us from our beloved families, while they stood by in tears. I wonder how many tears my poor Carmosina shed after being left alone! I hope I will return soon, so I can […]
September 22, 1944
While we’re eating the siren went off, we go to the shelter and were there for less than 15 minutes. After 10 minutes, all hell broke loose for an hour and a half. Thank God no bombs fell near us, but Munich was reduced to shreds. Hardly any of the streets have working trams, but […]
September 13, 1944
At 11:30 the siren goes off for 15 minutes. On the same day at 2:00 it goes off again for 30 minutes, they were in the vicinity of Munich.
September 12, 1944
Another siren, it lasted two hours but there was no shooting. At 11:00 at night while we’re sleeping, the siren goes off again. After 30 minutes in the shelter it is over. When will this damned war end?
September 11, 1944
Another siren.
September 10, 1944
It’s been almost a year since I’ve had the misfortune of being in Germany, in this damned country. I’ve yet to have the pleasure of receiving a few written lines or news from my darling wife. I pray God allows me to return to my loved ones soon and find them all safe and sound. […]
September 2, 1944
Today I met up with Alberto DeCristofaro for the first time, he showed me the letters he received from his wife saying that all the families of the deportees from Casale are doing well. I hope so, and I hope I will soon be able to embrace my darling wife and kids, that will be […]
August 29, 1944
It started raining this morning, it’s now 10:00 at night and it’s still drizzling. It looks like summer has already ended. Even the weather is punishing them!
August 27, 1944
Tonight, Agostino, Francesco D’Angelo, and I bought some meat and macaroni with the Marks we had saved up for two weeks. We had them cooked at a hotel near the factory I work in. The macaroni was like glue and the meat was not good. After dinner they had to go back to Fasanerie-Nord, where […]